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Major Activities OF NABARD

Preparing of Potential Linked Credit Plans for identification of exploitable potentials under agriculture and other activities available for development through bank credit.
Refinancing banks for extending loans for investment and production purpose in rural areas.
Providing loans to State Government/Non Government Organizations (NGOs)/Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) for developing rural infrastructure.
Supporting credit innovations of Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and other non-formal agencies.
Extending formal banking services to the unreached rural poor by evolving a supplementary credit delivery strategy in a cost effective manner by promoting Self Help Groups (SHGs)
Promoting participatory watershed development for enhancing productivity and profitability of rainfed agriculture in a sustainable manner.
On-site inspection of cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and iff-site surveillance over health of cooperatives andRRBs.

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