• | Preparing of Potential Linked Credit Plans for identification of exploitable potentials under agriculture and other activities available for development through bank credit. |
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• | Refinancing banks for extending loans for investment and production purpose in rural areas. |
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• | Providing loans to State Government/Non Government Organizations (NGOs)/Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) for developing rural infrastructure. |
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• | Supporting credit innovations of Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and other non-formal agencies. |
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• | Extending formal banking services to the unreached rural poor by evolving a supplementary credit delivery strategy in a cost effective manner by promoting Self Help Groups (SHGs) |
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• | Promoting participatory watershed development for enhancing productivity and profitability of rainfed agriculture in a sustainable manner. |
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• | On-site inspection of cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and iff-site surveillance over health of cooperatives andRRBs. |