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SCHEME: Indira Aawas Yojna

IAY is the flagship rural housing scheme which is being implemented by the Government of India with an aim of providing shelter to the poor below poverty line. The Government of India has decided that allocation of funds under IAY (Indira Awas Yojna)will be on the basis of poverty ratio and housing shortage.
The objective of IAY is primarily to help construction of new dwelling units as well as conversion of unserviceable kutcha houses into pucca/semi-pucca by members of SC/STs, freed bonded labourers and also non-SC/ST rural poor below the poverty line by extending them grant-in-aid.

IAY is a beneficiary-oriented programme aimed at providing houses for SC/ST households who are victims of atrocities, households headed by widows/unmarried women and SC/ST households who are below the poverty line. This scheme has been in effect from 1st April, 1999.

IAY is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme funded on cost sharing basis between the Govt. of India and the States in the ratio of 75:25 respectively.

Grant of Rs. 20,000/- per unit is provided in the plain areas and Rs. 22,000/- in hilly/difficult areas for the construction of a house. For conversion of a kutcha house into in pucca house, Rs. 10,000/- is provided. Sanitary laterines and chulahs are integral part of the house. In construction/upgradation of the house, cost effective and enviornment friendly technologies, materials and designs are encouraged. The household is alloted in the name of a female member of beneficiary household.

How to Seek Assistance:
The person concerned should contact the Village Panchayat or Village Level Worker or the Block Development Officer or District Rural Development Agency.

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